Thursday, January 22, 2015

How to make a Terrorist, Psychologist's perspective.

Making of  a terrorist and how to stop the making more terror(ists)

It dates back to 9/11 for the term to be widely used in all walks of life. Terror, terrorist , terrorism. some countries suffered more than others, some communities, and religions bear the stigma to the very day.
A  team led by Anthropologist Scott Atran University of Michigan and Noemie Bouhana, a criminologist at University College London, have conducted studies on why someone became a terrorist. According to one of their findings, 
One French Muslim extremist who sought to blow up an embassy traced his radicalization to a childhood incident: his sister bumped into a man on a Paris street and the man spat on the ground and called her a “dirty Arab”. “That’s when I knew what I was going to become.”
They took a sample of 260 Moroccan people in two terrorism prone communities — including five of the main plotters of the 2004 Madrid train bombings, which killed 191 people. 
Many rehabilitation centers, including ones in Saudi Arabia have shown almost 88% success rate. However it is imperative to know the causes and reasons why known terrorists became and latter abandoned their mania. It is often the case with people involved in such activities for abandoning their cause themselves without requiring help from others due to burn out, or realizing that the very reason they joined were wrong or misplaced. 
As soon as a person finds a group of likeminded people he/she can get influenced and think more actively in these lines as already concluded by the two studies (S. Atran et al. Cliodynamics 5, 41–57; 2014; S. Atran et al. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111,17702–17703; 2014). “They can be low-lifes, but once they lock into these values it doesn’t matter, because they become heroic warriors,” says Atran.Among other reasons, the recent incidents of inciting anger among muslims by cartoons of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), cruelity by criminals in a society, lack of justice when it is needed may also act as catalysts for people from different backgrounds to become terrorists.
Article is published in Nature, News
Another news also on studying terrorism published in Journal Nature discusses he problems in predicting the acts of terrorism.

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