Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Come on bull, hit me now.

In urdu we often say آ بیل مجھے مار , O Bull come and hit me. or

"when you are in deep shit keep your mouth shut"
I would certainly follow the safety first approach by Search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), to listen enough before speaking.
According Drake equation there is finite probability for an intelligent life form elsewhere in multiverse.

Same is being done or at least planned to be done in near future by sending a message about our presence on pale blue dot.
Messaging Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (METI), a San Francisco-based organization plans to call upon aliens if any on distant planets, instead of waiting for them to contact us here on Earth. They plan to send signals to planets at Proxima Centauri, the next astronomical neighbor.

Famous scientists have already showed concerns about the controversial plan.
Searching for trouble? A thesis on the same subject outlines the trouble expected if the aliens are hostile.
The article on accounts the critique by scientists on the subject.

We shouldn't draw attention to ourselves, say science fiction writer David Brin and theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.
"We have almost zero idea of whether aliens are likely to be dangerous," physicist Mark Buchanan wrote in journal Nature Physics.
Other experts say it's worth waiting until we're better conversationalists - and, then, use use well-established groups with international consultation.
"Babbling babies are not always appreciated during adult conversation," said Andrew Fraknoi, chair of the astronomy department at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills. "Listening and learning is how children become adults, and why not try that for a while?"
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